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A member registered Apr 28, 2021

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Dont worry, this is completely normal!

Jokes on you, I had my volume off and didn't allow camera. Interesting though

Have you tried Game inside a Game?

Not sure, I found it out by just scattering objects around but i made like last month

yup! I was thinking it would be a good cell machine song

I tried once, somehow got lucky and clipped out 3 times but every time a dropped down it was an endless void

and you need to make everything the excat same even the two boxes behind to mover cells

random machine that makes a blue mover spin forever

Early! 8 mins ago

Luckily i am not on chromebook

Do you know how to download it?

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I dont think you can. 

(1 edit)

There is a link i could find, just download the folder for your system and run the file and it works.

V1;100;100;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;Slowest Nuke;

That is level string for a very slow nuke (not a nuke with a big delay, it actually works), the only problem is it doesnt fill all of it up. Made in Mystic Mod.